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Learn about 13 cases The suspension of the mine license causes the amendment of the mineral wealth law


The Industry Committee of the House of Representatives will discuss next Sunday a draft law submitted by the government to amend some of the provisions of the Mineral Wealth Law No. 198 of 2014. The draft law gave the competent authority after the approval of the Board of Directors of the Authority for the mines to cancel the license in 13 cases, Or royalty and violation of the terms of the license granted, the issuance of the bankruptcy ruling of the licensee, and the presence of pollution in the search area error of the licensee, and did not address it.

Article 31 of the draft law states that "the competent authority may, after the approval of the board of directors of the Authority for the mines, issue a decision to cancel the research or exploitation license for mines or quarries, as the case may be, if any of the following conditions exist:

1: Non-payment of rental value or royalty within sixty days from the date of maturity

2- Violation of any provision of this law or its executive regulations

3: Violation of any of the conditions or provisions of the license

4: Issuing an enforceable judgment by declaring the bankruptcy of the licensee

5: Liquidation, dissolution or expiration of the licensed company

6- The business shall not start the license for a maximum period of one month from the date of receiving the area for reasons due to the licensee or stop without the written permission of the Authority or the competent authority, as the case may be for a period of 6 consecutive months.

7: Waiver of the license to third parties or sublease without the written consent of the Authority or the competent authority, as the case may be.

8: If the licensee to create the extracts on land outside the boundaries of the area licensed without obtaining a lease

9: If the licensee is proven to extract materials from outside the licensed area

10: If the licensee dies and the license is valid and the heirs or one of them did not ask for the solution within 90 days from the date of death or requested solutions.

11: If the licensee violates the conditions of operation and does not remove the violation within sixty days from the date of his warning by the Authority or the competent authority, as the case may be

12: If the pollution of the licensed area is proved for a reason due to the licensee and did not treat it despite the warning thereof from the body or the competent authority, as the case may be

13: If the licensee submits false data or documents proven to be falsified by the licensee or the competent authority, and informs the Authority of the cancellation of the research and exploitation license for the quarries and ships.

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