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FIFA: Women's World Cup is an opportunity to prove women in football

World football

FIFA World Cup Secretary-General Fatima Samura said on Thursday that the women's World Cup, to be launched on Friday in France, should be a means of "listening to the voice of women."

Samura, who opened the first women's football conference as part of the FIFA Executive Committee's 69th meeting in Paris on Wednesday, defended the women's presence in the game as part of her struggle for full representation in all aspects of life.

The Senegalese official said that although women represent half of the world's population and have children, work and study, their voices are not always heard.

Samura has called for efforts to integrate women into football and to become more "sport for the world" and more diverse.

"We depend on you guys, because without you there will not be change," she said.

For his part, the president of the French Football Association, Noel Le Grit, whose country hosts the tournament between June 7 and July 7, highlighted the "amazing" progress witnessed by women's football over the past 20 years both at the technical and psychological levels. For players.

"Girls, I think you have a great future ahead of you," he said.

(tagsToTranslate) Fatima Samura (t) Women's World Cup (t) Women's World Cup (t) Women's World Cup

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