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Trees playing music in Japan and the forest of death .. Learn about the strangest forest species around the world

Women and miscellaneous

Nature is one of the most comforting places in the soul. This makes it a destination for many people, especially gardens and parks covered with roses and trees. Some love the forests with its dense trees. It is a world full of everything that is beautiful and strange. Strangeness, which quoted the site of "matadernetwork"As follows:

Forest playing music

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The bamboo forests of Japan are characterized by their brilliant music, which is the result of the friction of bamboo stalks when the wind passes.

Death forest

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Called "Okigahara", which is located in Japan, called the forest of death because the person who wants to commit suicide goes there, and it is located at the foot of a volcano.

Rock forest in Madagascar

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The reason for naming this forest is that it is free of trees. It is a rock with pointed tops and green spaces below it.

Forest of Brunei

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Is one of the most beautiful places around the world and is intended for many tourists and there are many rare and exotic animals found in this jungle.

The blood forest of the dragon in Yemen

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They are called the blood of the dragon and sometimes the blood of the brothers. This is because of an ancient legend about the sons of Adam Cain and Abel that this tree grew as a result of the earth's absorption of the blood of the murdered brother.

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