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The people of Tala are demanding the paving of the road between Monofiya and Gharbia

Citizen journalism

The people of the city of Tala of the province of Menoufia sent a complaint through the press service of the citizens affected by the lack of paving the way Tala Kafr El-Sheikh Tanta link between the provinces of Menoufia and Western.

"My people said it was a road that ran from the main roads and connected my temple, but it was not paved and was not paved with the numerous requests that the people made to the mayor of Tala city council.

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The "Seventh Day" continues its call to its dear readers to share their grievances and problems through the application of Wats Ab on 01280003799, the "voice complaint" service to record citizen complaints in audio and video. The editors of "Day Seven" continue with readers directly in different locations in Cairo and the governorates. Every week, to listen to their complaint and record it for publication on the website.

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