Program for the sons of the second generation of Egyptians abroad to spend the summer vacation in Egypt
The Ministry of Immigration issued a call on the occasion of the summer vacation for families residing abroad to participate in the program organized by the ministry for the children of Egyptians from abroad, from the second and third generation, to the age of 18-35 years.
The program is the second part of the initiative "In your vacation in your home and we hear you" which was launched last year during the summer vacation with the participation of expatriates during their leave. The initiative was decided to extend the initiative to the second and third generations of Egyptian youth during their stay in Egypt. Entitled "Our Roots" for young Egyptians from all countries of the world, in addition to organizing annually a program with a specialized company for children ages 8 to 16.
(E-mail) and (01220322422) to receive the personal data of those who wish to participate in this program, including pictures of passports for young people, photos of their stay abroad and their dates in Egypt, to work on the best dates for the majority.
. (tagsToTranslate) Immigration (t) Egyptians Abroad (t) Egyptians Abroad (t) Summer Vacations
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