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On Russian Language Day .. Learn about the days of official international languages ​​at the United Nations


The world celebrates World Day of Russian Language today, a world celebration on June 6 each year, as part of the United Nations efforts to multilingualize and cultivate, one of the six official languages ​​of the United Nations.

Languages: English, Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, French and Russian are the six official languages ​​of the United Nations. English and French are the working languages ​​of the United Nations Secretariat.

The International Organization celebrates six world days of its six languages, known as World Languages ​​Days:

20 – March French Language Day (International Day of Francophonie)

It is an international day. On this occasion, the French language is celebrated on March 20 of each year. This date was chosen in conjunction with the International Day of Francophonie, which commemorates the anniversary of the Niamey Convention signed on 20 March 1970, the date of the creation of Francophonie.

April 20 – Chinese Language Day (in commemoration of Sangjie, the founder of the Chinese alphabet)

It is a World Day. The Chinese language is celebrated on April 20 each year. On 19 February 2010, the celebration of each of the official languages ​​of the United Nations was announced. Chinese language, the world's largest language, was to be honored on April 22, to commemorate the founder of the Chinese alphabet.

23 – April English Language Day (the anniversary of the death of English writer William Shakespeare)

It is a world day to celebrate English on April 23 of each year, a tradition traditionally recognized as the birthplace of William Shakespeare, the English poet who is considered by many to be the greatest playwright of all time.

June 6 – Russian Language Day (the anniversary of the birth of the Russian poet Alexander Pushkin)

Is a world-class annual celebration on June 6 every year. The Russian language is to be honored on June 6, coinciding with the birthday of the great poet Alexander Pushkin.

12 October – Spanish Language Day (Spanish Culture Day)

International Day, the United Nations decided to celebrate it on 12 October each year in conjunction with the Spanish Cultural Day

18 December – Arabic Language Day (the day of the introduction of Arabic into the official languages ​​of the United Nations)

It was decided to celebrate the Arabic language on this date because it was the day on which the United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution 3190 in December 1973, which approved the introduction of Arabic into the official languages ​​and working languages ​​of the United Nations, following a proposal by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Saudi Arabia during the session 190 of the Executive Council of UNESCO.

official languages ​​(t) languages ​​United Nations (t) days World Languages ​​(t) Russian Language Day

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