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Licensed lemon and peel is .. Useful for the health of the heart and mouth and bones

Health and Medical

Lemon fruits are acidic, which have many important benefits to the health of the body, not only lemon juice is useful, but many are unaware of the benefits of the crust and its nutritional value is a source of vitamins, minerals and fiber to the body, "webmed"

Benefits of lemon peel for health

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Improves bone health

Lemon peel helps improve bone health because it contains a high amount of calcium and vitamin C that help maintain and improve bone health and prevent bone-related diseases such as rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis.

Reduce oxidative stress

Lemon peel helps reduce oxidative stress because it contains large amounts of flavonoids

Detoxification of the body

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Lemon peel works to eliminate toxic substances that may enter the body

Cancer Control

Lemon peel is used in the prevention and treatment of cancer because it contains a substance that helps to fight the cancer cells in the body.

Cholesterol reduction

Lemon peel works to lower the levels of cholesterol in the body, which leads to the maintenance of the health of the heart and veins

Maintain blood pressure level

The presence of potassium in the lemon peel helps maintain the correct blood pressure in the body

Treatment of dental and gum problems

Lemon peel contributes to the maintenance of oral health and treatment of dental problems such as bleeding gums

™ lemon peel (t) lemon peel (t) lemon peel benefits (t) health benefits

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