Keep your stress and your body away from the sore throat
Stress ulcers cause inflammation of the upper gastrointestinal tract, and these sores damage the lining of the stomach and intestines and cause pain and burning sensation and range from damage from simple irritation to severe bleeding.
This type of ulcer is common among people who are subject to tremendous physical pressure, a site revealed medicalnewstoday.
Causes of sores
Stress ulcers can occur suddenly because of physiological stress and come suddenly, some acidic foods can make ulcer worse as well as physical stress resulting from serious injury or infection may be due to stress increases gastric acid.
Stress ulcers can be life-threatening as they tend to affect very sick people while stomach ulcers that are aggravated by stress are rarely serious.
The stomach is naturally produced acidic to help digest food when the acidic environment of the stomach changes or becomes too acidic the person may develop ulcer symptoms.
In people with severe physiological stress, the ulcer may result from changes in the pH of the body.
Rarely, extreme stress causes stress ulcers. Some health and lifestyle factors increase the risk of stomach damage and lining of the bowel. All of these factors make a person likely to have ulcers, including soreness.
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