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"Joseph Anton" .. Biography of Salman Rushdie for "House of the camel"


Al-Jamal will soon publish a biography of Indian novelist Salman Rushdie entitled "Joseph Antoine," the name that Rushdie disappeared for ten years because of his concern and fears about Khomeini's fatwa after his Satanic Verses were published and the book by Osama Esber.

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Salman Rushdie, his novel "The Satanic Verses," mentioned the controversial novel, which, in two faces, took the British writer's misery and threatened him with Khomeini in Iran and Islamic groups in Egypt, and carried with it the face of fame that might not have been mentioned Salman Rushdie on the international literary scene as appeared after this novel.

"Satanic Verses" was issued on September 27, 1988, and then began the threats of assassination and the blood of the writer, in response to what they described as incompatible with Islamic law, but after 30 years of the novel what Salman Rushdie achieved and how the world became seen?

Salman "src =" https://img.youm7.com/ArticleImgs/2019/6/10/274611- Salman. Png "Salman

Salman Rushdie

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