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I read to you .. Book of Islamic piety .. This is what Islam has given to the world


"Islam rose at a time when the Eastern Roman Empire and the Persian Empire were about to fall, and in the West the new Western Franken empire was beginning to rise," says the Islamic piety of German Orientalist Alfred Jeremias.

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The book says: "Before the appearance of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, the Arabian Peninsula, which had seen in the south and the north west for at least a thousand years, civilizations flourishing of Sumerian thought has entered the stage of the global fall of the world, and the city of Mecca (Umm al-Qura) The Arabian Peninsula in the Old Zn, one of the Arab centers of the commercial movement, the Prophet Mohammed did not leave the Arabs – as the West mistakenly assumed before the archaeological discoveries – from backward primitive situations. He, like his successors, sent the old Islamic thought back to Islam.

The book adds that there were in Mecca before Islam the so-called "Hanafis" who represent the deep Arab piety and refuse to worship the fossilized idols and follow the Sufi approach to approach God, and the word "Hanif" which may be the word Syrian (Syriac) means (dissident) This is used as a stimulus.

Following the death of Prophet Muhammad, Islam, the book follows from the angle of the Arabian Peninsula, a fatal blow to the Persian religion, the frozen Christian crusade in Asia and Africa, the expulsion of Buddhism from large parts of India and Central Asia, and in East Asia, Of the peoples of black Africa, millions of people pray every day five times in Arabic as an expression of their conversion to Islam.

. (tagsToTranslate) Islamic piety (t) New Book (t) Mission of the Prophet (t) Alfred Jeremias

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