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Get to know the mystery of the star Tabi, the strangest star in space

science and technology

Space includes several unusual stories of stars that we do not know except some of the measurements and observations of the scientists and their data, and perhaps among these stories was the star of the strangest and most obscure Tabi.

According to the scientific site Space, this strange star called TEPI or KIC 846285 was first discovered by a team of scientists led by Tabitha Boyagian of the University of Louisiana, who expressed their surprise at the strangeness of the star, which eclipses in a way they have not noticed before, The star goes through irregular periods of lighting and for strange lengths of time, sometimes up to 22% only.

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Star Toby

Scientists believe that there is a huge structure of space objects passing by, which obscures its illumination, but with time scientists have reached a more realistic interpretation that the reason is that the star is surrounded by dust caused by the shading of comets or the debris of the previous planets, Of cosmic dust reflected in a state of exotic emissions.

But scientists are still searching and gathering data during unusual star periods from low light to blur the mystery of his space.

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