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Director of the Antiquities Museum at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina: Making cakes in the holidays is usually authentic Egyptian


Dr. Hussein Abdel Basir, Director of the Antiquities Museum at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, said that the manufacture of pancakes and cakes in the holidays is one of the original Egyptian customs and heritage of the ancestors. It dates back more than 5,000 years, pointing out that this custom was associated with celebrations and holidays at the Pharaohs.

He added that the industry extended from the age of the ancient Egyptian families through Coptic and Islamic Egypt to Egypt in the 21st century, explaining that the old bakers were specialized in its manufacture in various forms such as conical, spiral, rectangular and round, and it was engraved with about 100 engravings in different forms.

The cookies were mentioned in ancient Egypt as "the disc"; they were associated with the ancient creed of the sun disk, which was a manifestation of the sacred universe. The cakes therefore took the full round shape and were decorated with straight lines such as the golden sun, Hence the philosophy of representing cakes in the form of round disk.

He explained that the cakes were made and presented to the temples and gods, the priests of the funerary temples and the doctrine of the deceased king, who were responsible for reviving the doctrine of the royal owners of the royal tombs, pointing to the existence of archaeological scenes depicting the cake industry in the tomb of Minister "Rkheira" in Luxor of the 18th Dynasty and other tombs.

Not only was the cake manufactured in the holidays, but there was a special type of sacrificial offering to the dead when relatives visited the graves. It was an amulet of the Isis knot, so the disc and cakes were distributed to the spirit of the deceased.

(to tagsTranslate) Making cakes (t) Hussein Abdul Busir (t) Kach Eid (t) News of culture

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