Cough is persistent and is not satisfied. Know how to treat your child
Cough and fatigue all night, of the health problems suffered by children, especially during the night, may be coughing due to colds and flu or as a result of severe allergies and others, according to the site healthline, there are natural ways to get rid of cough and children.
1: White honey is one of the most important substances that work on the treatment of cough because it contains many vitamins that promote the health of the respiratory system and lungs and calm the cough, and that by eating honey suspended every morning.
2: Eat foods containing vitamin C, such as guava, orange and yose, as it works to resist bacteria and bacteria and cure cough.

Ginger juice
3: Ginger tea, contains a high proportion of antioxidant substances inflammation and reduce chronic cough, by eating a cup of ginger with white honey.
4: Thyme and clove tea contains antimicrobial properties and bacteria and treats coughs, colds and flu.
5: Guava tea drink, contains a high amount of vitamins that work to calm cough and treatment of respiratory problems and lungs.
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