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Apple juice and ginger to get rid of excess weight and purify the body of toxins

Women and miscellaneous

To get a distinctive strength and weight ideal for most of the girls, and according to the site "braite" rid the body of toxins works to activate fat burning and weight reduction, and to get this is by relying on some simple steps and natural materials such as:

1 – Adding points of cider vinegar to power works to remove toxins from the body and reduce cholesterol, which activates the process of burning fat.

2 – Eat a glass of ginger mixed with lemon and white honey gives the body great energy before exercise, and stimulates the body to do a great effort.

3 – Adding drops of apple cider vinegar to the water on the stomach helps to transfer nutrients to the cells and the expulsion of toxic substances, and works to destroy the fat inherent in the cells, and must not exceed the dose of vinegar a day of two tablespoons a day.

4 – Eat a glass of ginger cool or warm before eating helps to prevent swelling and stimulate digestion.

5 – Cutting the fresh ginger on different dishes such as salad or soup works to regulate the level of cortisol, which is the hormone that helps to show the belly fat, and the elimination of ginger.

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