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After 20 years, humans will prefer to live in virtual reality rather than reality

science and technology

We've come a long way in the virtual reality. The first VR was created by Ivan Sutherland between 1965 and 1968, but with progress the virtual reality devices are becoming more complex as they can take us to the moon or the rainforest or to the favorite video game.

Given the extent to which the virtual glasses can move the user from place in moments, experts predict that we may choose to spend less time in the real world and more time in the virtual world.

"In 20 years the use of virtual glasses will be as common as mobile phones today," said Sol Rogers, chief executive and founder of REWIND VR for Metro. "It was hard to imagine a few years ago, but progress in virtual reality technology is moving fast."

"We still have a long way to go before we replace our smart phones with virtual reality speakers and headphones, which is a step that many experts believe is inevitable. Social experiments within virtual environments are expected to become more common, allowing users to meet new people, Relieve increasingly physical and emotional pain ".

It did not expect the uses of virtual reality at this point but NASA used it to prepare astronauts for complex space missions. Some schools took students on virtual field trips to learn a lot about the moon and galaxies, In learning easier and in an interesting way.

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