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A decision to form the Supreme Council for Dates in the membership of all sectors concerned

Economy and stock exchange

The Ministry of Commerce and Industry issued a decision to form the Higher Council for Dates under the chairmanship of the Minister of Commerce and Industry and the membership of the Governorates of the New Valley and Aswan as the highest productive governorates for dates at the level of the Republic, the Chairman of the National Authority for Food Safety, the Chairman of the Export Development Authority, National service projects.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Industry for Technology and Innovation, the representative of the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, the Chairman of the Chamber of Food Industries of the Federation of Industries, the Chairman of the Export Council for Food Industries, the Chairman of the Export Council of Agricultural Crops, two members of date societies, The most important areas of dates production in Egypt, and two members of the manufacturers and exporters of dates .

The ministry said in a statement that the formation of this council is one of the most important results of the integrated strategy prepared by the ministry to promote the date industry in Egypt and increase its competitiveness, and that the Council aims to work to develop the date palm and dates at the national level and solve the problems of producers and manufacturers and exporters alike To improve the quality and safety of Egyptian dates and access to international quality standards, in addition to taking all necessary measures to enhance Egyptian exports of dates and improve the income of producers and manufacturers.

The Council also focuses on working to provide new jobs in the field of dates, and the development of agriculture, industry, trade and export of dates on the basis of scientific by increasing the agricultural area of ​​date palms, increasing production and export, improving quality and maximizing value added, Palm and dates sector in Egypt as well as work on the development and development of all series value chain for dates.

The statement pointed out that the council will work towards achieving these goals in coordination with the concerned parties in the dates sector to undertake a number of tasks, which include assessing the current situation of the dates sector, limiting the challenges facing this sector, explaining the reasons and proposed solutions, and laying down the bases, controls and requirements for filling stations, To map the varieties of different Egyptian dates so as to determine the places of gathering and the potential of their growth and increase the cultivated area and benefit from them to increase the efficiency of date processing and its secondary products to increase the added value..

The mission will also include the development of a system for the production and processing of Egyptian dates and the development of a system to ensure the quality of date circulation and the prevention of dates and dates of pests, in coordination with the concerned authorities of the Ministry of Agriculture and in particular the Central Laboratory of Palm and Food Technology Research Institute, And encourage the cultivation and promotion of organic agriculture, in addition to raising the competitiveness of this sector through improving quality and productivity, transfer of modern technology and linking the industry with scientific research to support innovation in the date sector.

He added that the council will encourage the use of secondary waste for dates and palms, maximize the added value of date palm trees, promote new investments in date planting and production, establish refrigerated warehouses or recycling projects of date wastes, increase local marketing of frozen and fresh dates and manufactures and increase exports of dates As well as increasing Egyptian exports through the establishment of a mechanism to communicate with all markets in the world in order to promote Egyptian dates as a safer and higher quality alternative than competing countries.

The development and implementation of a plan for the management of this slogan and the development of the necessary recommendations for the plan to ensure the quality of the management of this slogan, as well as the development of a plan for the development of the sector in the supply chain and supply mechanism and implementation in accordance with the strategy of development of the palm and date sector in Egypt and adopted the establishment of logistics areas and Export prices for different types at the level of the Republic, and follow-up and evaluation of the performance of the stakeholders involved in the implementation of the strategy and the development of indicators to measure their performance.

The resolution stipulates that the Council shall hold its meetings at least once every three months. It may also be convened at any time at the request of the President of the Council or his representative or at the request of at least five members of the Council. The Council may invite specialists and experts in various date fields to attend the meetings of the Council without having a number of votes at the vote and to issue the recommendations and resolutions of the Council by a majority of the members present, and on the basis of the likely side of it President.

The Council is a technical secretariat headed by the Director of the Center for Technology of Food Industries and Industrialization of Agriculture and the membership of the Executive Director of the Chamber of Food Industries and the Executive Director of the Export Council for Food Industries, the Executive Director of the Export Council for Agricultural Crops and the Director of the Central Laboratory for Palm. And technical assistance in the work of the Council.

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