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A criminal element was seized with firearms, ammunition and drugs

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The security services of Marsa Matruh Security Directorate succeeded in controlling one of the criminal elements involved in the trafficking of narcotics, firearms and ammunition in Al-Jafira area in Marsa Matruh Governorate.

The General Directorate for Drug Control (two elements of dangerous criminal elements) specialized in the trafficking of narcotic drugs, firearms and unlicensed munitions was widely monitored in the Jafira area of ​​the Dabbah police station in Matrouh. They were monitored and found to be active in criminal activity.

Following the codification of the procedures and coordination with the public security sector, Matrouh Security Directorate, Central Security Forces and the General Directorate for the training of security and guard dogs, a large security campaign was carried out targeting these elements. One of them was arrested in the village of Jafira with 10 tons of cannabis, weighing 1 kg, 39 mm, 9-mm 12-mm, 9-mm-caliber 9-mm-caliber rifles, a suspected sound improvised explosive device, 3,950 caliber rounds of ammunition, GPS ), A chandelier telephone, a car used to transport and smuggle narcotics, firearms, ammunition, a financial amount, and a mobile phone.

In the face of the accused, he admitted his criminal activity in conjunction with the fugitive accused and possession of the seizures, the necessary legal measures were taken, .

Seizures "src =" https://img.youm7.com/ArticleImgs/2019/5/24/423224- seizures .png "seizures".

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(tagsToTranslate) Matroh Security Directorate (t) Drug (t) Firearms (t) Ammunition

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