Vitamin sun rays are beneficial for the health of bones and teeth and the prevention of diabetes
Vitamin D is known as the sun's rays produced by the body as a reaction to exposure to sunlight. A sufficient amount of it is important to maintain the health of bones and teeth and to protect against diseases such as cancer, diabetes and multiple sclerosis."medicalnewstoday.
Vitamin D benefits for body health
Maintain healthy bones and teeth.
Support the health of the immune system and the nervous system.
Regulate insulin levels and help manage diabetes.
Support lung function and cardiovascular health.
Influence on the expression of genes involved in the development of cancer.
What is Vitamin D?
Although the name is considered vitamin but vitamin D is pro-hormone rather than vitamin specific, it is a nutrient that can not be produced by the body and therefore must be ingested through our diet. Vitamin D can be manufactured by the body when exposed to sunlight.
It is estimated that exposure to sun on bare skin for 5-10 minutes 2-3 times a week allows most people to produce enough vitamin D, but vitamin D collapses very quickly, which means that stores can go down, especially in Winter, Recent studies indicate that a large proportion of the world's population is deficient in vitamin D.
Vitamin D Vitamin D Vitamin D Benefits Vitamin D Benefits of Vitamin D
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