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US Congress demands ban on sexual exploitation of children on YouTube

science and technology

Three members of the US Congress called on YouTube to take more direct action to protect children from negative behavior on the podium, following a story published in The New York Times on some sexual opinions and comments on children's videos posted on YouTube.

According to the site "The Verge"Sen. Josh Hawley, Richard Blumenthal and Marsha Blackburn took a step in tackling child safety on YouTube. Hawley announced yesterday that he would introduce a bill criminalizing the nomination and recommendation of videos of young children across platforms.

Nomination and recommendation systems are particularly scrutinized after the Times report, which showed that YouTube programming might suggest videos for women, young girls and children if the user started watching exciting videos.

"Every American father should be scared because YouTube is offering videos of his children to child abusers," Hawley said. "It's outrageous that YouTube refuses to take the most effective step to fix the problem."

YouTube has followed multiple methods over the years to combat the abusive and exploitative behavior of children and has recently suspended comments on videos depicting children. A YouTube spokesman said the platform has a strong record in combating sexual exploitation of children. Additional steps taken by YouTube address this problem.

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