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The testimony of the Prophet to his companions and the statement of their virtue and lessons learned .. The subject of the Friday sermon

Egyptian reports

The Egyptian Ministry of Awqaf decided to hold a sermon on Friday under the title of the testimony of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) to his companions and to indicate their virtue and the lessons learned from it.

In this regard, Dr. Mohammed Mukhtar Jumaa, Minister of Awqaf, stressed that the purpose of the sermon is to show the status, virtue and status of the Companions (may Allah be pleased with them), to highlight aspects of their submission to the religion of Allah and to indicate how the Messenger of Allah treated and treated them. The extent of their devotion to God and His Messenger, the extent of their work, their gifts, their sacrifices, their altruism and their moral values, and the lessons learned from them, thus enhancing the role of role models and establishing the system of noble values ​​in society in general and among young people in particular.

(t) The Prophet (t) Friday sermon (t) Value system (t) Noble values

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