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The government is discussing with Russia's Transmash the manufacture of railway vehicles in Egypt

Economy and stock exchange

The Ministry of Industry and Trade stressed the keenness of the Government to strengthen the existing cooperation between Egypt and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization [UNIDO] as one of Egypt's main partners in the field of industrial development, and that the projects and development programs implemented by UNIDO play a pivotal role in implementing Egypt's strategy and vision to achieve Sustainable industrial development.

This came during the meeting held with the Director General of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization [UNIDO] to discuss the latest developments of the inclusion of the organization "UNIDO" Egypt within the program of partnership of the Organization of the Organization on the sidelines of the Egyptian participation in the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum currently being held in St. Petersburg, The meeting was attended by Minister of Trade Commissioner Nasser Hamed, head of the Egyptian Trade Office in Moscow.

A statement by the Ministry of Industry and Trade said that the meeting dealt with the results of the fruitful meeting of the Director of the Organization with President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi in Cairo last December, during which it was announced that UNIDO was included in the partnership program of the Organization, To achieve comprehensive and sustainable industrialization in implementation of all the objectives of sustainable development and the objectives of the vision of Egypt for sustainable development 2030, which will have a significant impact in the Arab and African region through which this program coordination between the Organization and Egypt to develop integrated industrial policies and prioritize the countries Of direct investments as well as the promising sectors in which they can attract investment.

The Ministry commended the efforts exerted by the Organization during the recent period to activate the program, the most important of which is to provide the necessary financing for the start-up phase with the support of China. This will be met by providing the Egyptian financial contribution within the program during the fiscal year 2020-2021. – 2020 Exceptionally.

She explained that the government has taken a number of steps in order to launch the program, including the development of a proposal for the high level national coordinating body for the program under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister with the possibility of delegitimizing the Minister of Commerce and Industry as the ministry's main technical partner in addition to representing the relevant ministries within the Commission, Which includes representatives from the private sector and donors to ensure their involvement within the work system.

She stressed the importance of focusing the priority phase on the priority sectors such as the automotive and leather industry, in which the Organization has a great deal of experience, especially in the African continent, to achieve the objectives of integration with Africa, while studying the rapid gains that can be achieved. Development plans for the African continent.

For his part, Li Yong, Director General of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization [UNIDO], stressed that the organization is keen to enhance cooperation with the Egyptian government at all levels and in all fields through the projects currently implemented by the Organization in Egypt. Sustainable development objectives through promoting and promoting inclusive industrialization.

Young pointed out that the objectives of the partnership program with Egypt focus on industrial development and attract comprehensive and sustainable industrial investment in the priority sectors for Egypt, including ready-made garments, building materials, chemicals, corporate governance, handicrafts, small and medium enterprise development, engineering industries and their components. As well as enhancing the competitiveness of the industrial sectors by improving the quality system, increasing the efficiency of energy use, resources, skills development and environmental preservation, as well as the integration of value chains with Africa and increasing the volume of trade to reach global value chains e.

He pointed out that the success of the partnership program with Egypt is conditional on UNIDO providing appropriate technical support, which requires the provision of a resident team with the required expertise selected in coordination with the ministry to include local and international experts as well as providing institutional support to the ministry to play its role in leading and implementing the program, .

On the other hand, officials of the Ministry of Industry and Trade held a meeting with Kiril Lippa, chairman of Transmash Holding Group, during which he reviewed the cooperation projects between the company and the Egyptian government and a number of future projects that the company intends to implement in the Egyptian market during the coming period. Through Egypt.

The ministry confirmed that the technical details and executive steps for supplying the company to 1300 train cars to Egypt are being finalized after the Egyptian government signed a contract last year to supply and manufacture the Russian-Russian alliance led by Transmash Holding Group of Russia and the Ministries of Transport and Military Production in the Arab Republic of Egypt. Hungarian company to establish a production line in Egypt for the joint manufacture of vehicles with a local component of not less than 40%, in addition to the renovation of the railway workshops in Kom Abu Radi cost of 30 million euros of the total cost of the transaction for the maintenance of these vehicles.

The ministry revealed that the company is currently negotiating with the company to sign a maintenance contract for 15 years for vehicles, in addition to the implementation of training programs for workshop staff on maintenance work to maintain the level of vehicles and the sustainability of services provided.

For his part, Kirill Liba, Chairman of Transmach Holding Group, stressed the company's keenness to be present in the Egyptian market with joint manufacturing projects or supply of railway vehicles and maintenance work. He pointed out that the contract with the Egyptian government includes the supply of second class, .


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