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Take pills and frequent abortion one of the causes of stroke

Health and Medical

Many factors lead to strokes that prevent blood flow easily and life-threatening. A blood clot in the heart or lungs can include symptoms such as chest pain and respiratory distress.

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A blood clot in the brain can cause headaches, change of speech, paralysis, dizziness, difficulty speaking or understanding of speech, suggesting a possible stroke..

A blood clot in the deep veins of the leg may lead to symptoms such as pain, redness, warmth and swelling at the bottom of the leg

Causes of stroke

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If the family or relatives have people with abnormal or excessive coagulation.

History of recurrent blood clots before the age of forty.

Blood clots during pregnancy or while taking birth control pills.

Unjustified abortion.

History of excessive or abnormal blood clots in hepatic or kidney veins.

Methods of diagnosis of stroke

Primary blood tests will include a complete blood count and number of platelets. These tests measure the number of red blood cells, white blood cells and blood platelets in the blood, and most importantly measure the number of platelets, which are fragments of blood cells that stick together to form clots.

– strokes

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