"Planning" will hold a meeting of the Institutional Development Committee to follow up the administrative reform
The Ministry of Planning, Follow-up and Administrative Reform held its second meeting of the Institutional Development Committee, one of the subcommittees of the Technical Secretariat of the Higher Committee for Administrative Reform.
The aim of the meeting was to discuss the work plan of the committee during the coming period and to activate its competencies, which is to follow up the executive plan to activate the new organizational divisions, supervise and follow up the process of transferring personnel departments to human resources departments, and propose to merge or cancel or add organizational divisions. The deficit in some functions in the administrative apparatus of the state, in addition to participating in the follow-up of the executive plan to implement the competitions of the Government Excellence Award.
The meeting discussed a number of important issues that will be studied through the committee, including the executive steps to develop the legislative support unit provided for in five other organizational divisions within the Prime Minister's Decision No. 1146 of 2018. To review and revise the draft laws and decisions of the Authority, to introduce and enact draft laws and decisions of the Authority, to express the legal opinion in the draft laws received by the Council of Ministers, to link the achievement in the work with available legislative tools, both laws And decisions.
It is worth mentioning that this meeting comes within the framework of the vision of Egypt 2030, which aims to raise the efficiency of the administrative apparatus of the state. In order to activate the decision of the Minister of Planning, Follow-up and Administrative Reform No. 1 of 2019, the Technical Secretariat of the Higher Committee for Administrative Reform and its subcommittees, Building and capacity development, and the Legislative and Financial Reform Committee as an institutional step in line with the decision of the Prime Minister No. 1321 of 2017 to form the Higher Committee for Administrative Reform.
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