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Peace be upon those who have given their lives to us


Peace be upon our martyrs who sacrificed themselves for the homeland. Peace be upon those who lost his life and gave us his age to protect our great country and its great people. Peace be upon the martyrs of duty, sacrifice and redemption.

He who served in the great army of Egypt knows with great certainty that he is defending and striving for the sake of God and offering his soul as a sacrifice for Islam and for his country and all those who have the right to protect and defend him. These are feelings we all lived and lived in. Peace be upon him) when he described the army and soldiers of Egypt (are the best armies of the earth).

Those who do not know this or deny it read the Islamic history and see how this history was associated with its great positions in Egypt and its army. This is evidenced by the defeat of the Tatars, the Crusaders, the October 6 war and many, many events.

Terrorism does not have a religion, it is not from Islam in anything. How can someone who is killed in the Eid al-Fitr and at this time call himself a Muslim? And how does he say in his holy book? Whoever kills a soul without a soul or corruption in the land, it is as if he killed all people and whoever revived it. )Great truth of God. So what about us who killed Nfosa Tahira Zakih … Is called a Muslim ??? !!!

Our religion calls upon us to respect our morals and virtues, and so our messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said in his hadeeths (but I sent to complete the morals) – (I love you to the nearest of you a council on the day you do Ahasnkm moral) Is murder and destruction and destruction of Islam and good manners ??? !!.

How to kill those eyes are now guarded in the way of God and to protect the homeland and defend it is called a Muslim. And the Hadith (eyes do not touch the fire Ainbekt of fear of God and eye became guarded in the way of God).

How do you want to bring sadness and misery to the people of Greater Egypt on a day of joy and pleasure to be called Islam and our holy religion orders us to enter joy and happiness over who we know and who do not know and smell and wear new, but our brave soldiers wore the martyr's dress and what a great dress we ask God to give us that great place .

This is not a political article, but a love for those who watch and sacrifice their lives for us. And their parents and their standing – black – yesterday and their protections for us and for our children, we could not be safe and safe in our homes.

We are all for the sake of Egypt and in its love we honor peace and greetings, respect and respect for all who defend, defend and preserve our beloved Egypt in all fields and preserve its dignity and its high banner.

God save Egypt and our neighbor all the hated .. And God's mercy on our martyrs righteous

(t) The Islamic War (t) The War on Terror (t) The Engineer Mohammed Abdulhadi Al-Ambabi

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