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Mysteries of Massoud Ozil .. Supports the occupied Erdogan and treats the children of Syria

World football

In a strange irony of German midfielder Massoud Ozil, who was banned from playing for the German team because of his loyalty to Erdogan, who occupies the Syrian territory, the English Sun newspaper revealed that he had made donations to help thousands of war-affected people in Syria, And meals.

The newspaper added that Massoud Ozil will also cover the expenses of surgery for 1,000 war-affected children in Syria.

Massoud Ozil, who earns £ 350,000 a week in Istanbul, will celebrate his wedding to Miss Turkey Amina Gulchi.

Earlier English press reports said Masoud Ozil wanted to leave Arsenal because of his strained relationship with London manager Onay Emery.

Massoud Ozil supports those affected by the war in Syria
Massoud Ozil provides food to support those affected by the war in Syria

Massoud Ozil supports those affected by the war in Syria
Massoud Ozil offers food to support those affected by the war in Syria

Massoud Ozil supports those affected by the war in Syria
Massoud Ozil offers food to support those affected by the war in Syria

Massoud Ozil supports those affected by the war in Syria
Massoud Ozil offers food to support those affected by the war in Syria

(t) Arsenal (t) Arsenal News (t) News Massoud Ausil

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