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Interpretation of the words of God .. What Imam al-Qurtubi in Surat "Bismillah Rahman Rahim"?


We will stop the coming period with one of the important interpretations in the Holy Quran is the interpretation of the Koran called «the mosque of the provisions of the Koran and the meanings of the included of the Sunnah and any Criterion» of Mohammed bin Ahmed bin Abi Bakr bin Farah Ansari, Khazraji, Andalusian, Qurtubi, Malki Abu Abdullah Mafsir, He died in Munea Bani Khasib in Egypt in Shawwal. He was one of the leading interpreters. He departed to the east and settled in the monastery of Ibn Khasib in northern Assiut, Egypt, where he died (671 AH – 1273 AD).

This book is an encyclopaedia in the interpretation of the Holy Quran. It is one of the books of interpretation that is concerned with the rulings, with an emphasis on the reasons for the descent. It mentions the readings, the languages ​​and the expressions, the graduation of the hadiths, the statement of the strange words, the statement of scholars, It was written in the name of the Arabs, and was quoted by the previous interpretation, with comment on the transfer of, such as: the son of Jarir, Ibn Attia, Ibn Arabi, Elkia Hrassi, and Abu Bakr Jassas, I have beaten many stories of commentators, And the Israeli women, and sometimes mentioned aside, as the answer to the philosophers and the blind And the rest of the difference, and mentioned the doctrines of the imams and discussed, and the advantage of this interpretation of the interpretations of the provisions of the Koran that not only the verses of the judgments, and the jurisprudential aspects, but included all the interpretation.

Interpretation of Surat Al – Fatihah
In the name of God the Merciful
Speech in Basmalah:
Twenty-eight issues:

The scholars said: "In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious the Most Merciful, a section of our Lord is revealed at the head of every Surat, divided among His servants." This is what I have put to you, my servants, in this surah, and I have fulfilled all that I have guaranteed in this surah. And (in the name of God the Merciful), which God revealed in our book and on this nation, especially after Solomon peace be upon him.

the second:

Said bin Abi Sakinah Balghani said that Ali bin Abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with him looked at a man writes: (In the name of God, the Merciful) said to him: the existence of a good man Vgvr him. Saeed said: And he told me that a man looked at the Qurtas: (In the name of God, the Merciful) and kissed him and put it on his eyes, forgive him. It is in this sense the story of the human being barefoot, because when he raised the area where the name of God and the good nature of his name, mentioned Kushiri.


Narrated by al-Shaabi and al-'Umash that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to write "in your name, God" until he was ordered to write: "In the name of God." Then he wrote it. He wrote in the name of God the Merciful.


It was narrated from Jaafar al-Sadiq (may Allaah be pleased with him) that he said: Basmalah is the crown of the wall.

I said: This indicates that it is not a verse from the Fatihah and others. The scholars differed in this:

The first is that it is not a sign of al-Faatihah or anything else, which is the view of Malik.

The second is that it is a verse from every surah, which is the view of 'Abd-Allaah ibn al-Mubarak.

Third: Al-Shaafa'i said it is a verse in al-Fatiha, and it is recited in the rest of the surah, and once he said: It is a verse from every surah. Once he said: There is no verse except in al-Faatihah alone. There is no difference between them in that it is a verse from the Qur'an in Surat Al Naml.


The correct of these sayings of Mac, because the Koran does not prove the news of individual, but the method of periodic cut in which there is no difference. Ibn al-'Arabi said: It is sufficient for you that it is not from the Qur'aan that the people are different, and the Qur'an is not different. The news of the Sahih, which is not validated, is a function of the fact that Basmalah is not a verse of the Fatihah, and only the ants.


The Ummah agreed that it is permissible to write it in the first book of knowledge and letters. If the book is a book of poetry of Furwa, it is not permissible to write in front of the poetry.

Al-Zuhri said: The year went on not to write in poetry (Bismillah, the Merciful). And went to draw the label in the first books of poetry Said ibn Jubayr, followed by the most late. Abu Bakr al-Khatib said: He is the one we choose and we will like.


Al-Maordi said and said to those who said the name of God: Mbsml, a language generated, and came in poetry, said Omar bin Abi Rabia:

Laila fed her to meet her


Al-Sharaa referred to the mention of Basmalah in the first of every act, such as eating, drinking, slaughtering, intercourse, purity, and riding the sea, and other acts. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):


Our scholars said: There is a response to Qadriyah and others who say that their actions are destined for them. And the place of protest against them that God Almighty ordered us at the beginning of any action to open so, as we mentioned. Meaning: (In the name of God), ie, God. The meaning of: {by God} any creation and appreciation leads to what is reached to it. And will come to this further statement, God willing.

tenth :

Abu Ubayd Mu'ammar ibn al-Muthanna went to the name of a redundant link and cited the saying of Labeed:

To the year and then the name of peace on you ** And who is crying Hula full has apologized

He mentioned the name of Ziadah, but he wanted: Then peace be upon you. Our scholars have deduced from this saying that the name is named. And will come to talk in this section and others, God willing.


He differed in the meaning of increasing the name.

Al-Akhfash said: It was increased to mention the ruling of the oath to the purpose of repentance, because the origin of the words: God.


They also differed as to the meaning of entering it, did you enter into the meaning of the matter? And appreciation: Never in the name of God. Or on the meaning of the news? And appreciation: Started in the name of God, two things: the first readers, and the second glass. P (name of God) in a position on the interpretation.


{In the name of God}, you write without a thousand dispensed with the gluing of the tongue and the call for a lot of use, other than saying: {read in the name of your Lord} they deleted for lack of use .. differed in the deletion with Rahman and conqueror, said Alkasai Said Alkhafsh: delete the thousand.

Yahya ibn Thabab said: It is not to be deleted except with the name of Allaah alone, because there is much use in it.


And differed in the allocation of B traction fracture on the three meanings, it was said: to suit her words work. It was said that since the Ba'a does not enter except on names, it is referred to as a reduction that is only in names.

Third: to differentiate between them and what may be the names of the characters, towards the Kaf in the words of the poet:

And we fled by the waters of the water, and we hid among us

Any like the son of water or what was like him.


Im, weighed his nose, and went out of the woo because he was smoothed, collected names, and his name was minimized. And differed in the estimation of its origin, it was said: did, and was said: act. Al-Jawhari said: The nouns are a combination of this weight, which is like trunk, trunk, lock and locks, and this does not realize its form except by listening. It has four languages: a name with a break, and a noun in the plural. Ahmad ibn Yahya said: Whoever brings the thousand of them from Samut Asmu, and whoever breaks is taken from my highest name.


The Arabs say in the descent to the name: Smoi, established my name, left it intact, collected names and collected names Assam.

And he told the fur: I will remind you of the heavens of God.


They differed in the derivation of the name on two sides. Al-Basriyoun said: It is derived from the height, which is height and elevation. It was said that the name is named by the name and removed from the other. It is said that the name is called a noun because it is superior to its power over the two parts of speech: the letter and the verb, and the noun is stronger than them unanimously because it is the original.


The one who said the name is derived from the higher says: God is still described before the existence of creation and after their existence and in their buildings, and no effect in their names and attributes, and this is the words of the Sunnis. He said the name derived from the attribute says: God was in the name of eternity and no attribute, when created creation made him names and recipes, if Avnhm remained Baal name or attribute, and this is the statement of the Mu'tazila which is contrary to what the nation gathered, which is greater in error than saying: His speech is created, God Almighty for that! On this dispute occurred speech in the name and name.


Ahl al-Haq went as the judge Abu Bakr ibn al-Tayyeb reported that the name is the name, and Ibn Furik said it, which is the view of Abi Ubaydah and Sibuya. If a person says: God is a scientist, his saying is self-described as a scientist, the name being a scientist and he named one. And if he said: God is the Creator, the Creator is the Lord, and He is named by Him. The name they have is labeled non-specific detail. Ibn al-Siege said: Whoever denies the qualities of the innovator claims that the meaning of the labels is not the self, and therefore they say the name is not named, and the person who proves the qualities of the labels are self-descriptions are not the words they have names. And this will come to further statement in the cow and customs, God willing.


Saying: (Allah) this name is the largest names of all and all, even some scientists said: It is the name of God the greatest and was not characterized by others, so he did not disobey and did not collect, which one Taawili said: (Do you know him) Any name called his name which is Allah. God is the name of the existence of the universal right to the attributes of the divine, which is stopped by the call of Godliness, alone in the true existence, there is no god except Him.

It was said: its meaning deserves to be worshiped.

It was said: the meaning of the duty of existence, which is still and still, and the meaning of one.


They differed in this name. Is it a derivative or a subject for the self-knowledge? I went to the first of many scholars. And differed in its derivatives and its origin, Siboyeh narrated from Hebron that the origin of it, such as effective, and entered the thousand and the pain instead of Hamza. "People like people.

It was said: The origin of the word lahah and it has entered the thousand and the luminescence to maximize, and this is the choice of Sibuya.


They also differed in the name of the Beneficent. Some of them said: It is not permissible to derive it because it is one of the names that are related to it, and because if it was derived from mercy, it is not mentioned by the deceased. And even if it was derived from mercy, the Arabs did not deny it when they heard it, for they did not deny the mercy of their Lord.


The coolant alleged Ibn al-Anbari said in the book Zaher him: that {Rahman} a Hebrew name came with him {merciful}. He sang:

You will not be aware of glory, or will you cast down your cloak with the treacle, or you will make the pine tree thick

Or leave to the darkness of your grave ** and wipe them hard Rahban Korbana

Abu Ishaq said in the meanings of the Koran: Ahmed bin Yahya: {Rahim} Arab and {Rahman} Hebrew, this is a combination between them. This is desirable.


They differed: Are they in one sense or in two senses? It was said: they are in one sense, Canadman and Nadim. Abu Ubaydah said: It is not building a vaalan as an act of worship, but the act does not take place except in exaggeration of the act, towards your saying: A man is angry, and he is filled with wrath. The trigger may be the sense of the actor and effect. He said:

But if the war bites you, it is a bite


The most knowledgeable scholars are that the {Rahman} is specialized in God Almighty, it is not permissible to call him another, do not see him said: (Say: Call Allah or call the Beneficent). He said: {And asked those who sent us before you from our messengers make us without the merciful gods worship} He told that {Rahman} is worthy of worship Glory and Glory. This is a description of a known knowledge that God has commanded him to do. It was said in his name Rahman: It is the name of God the greatest, mentioned by Ibn Arabi.


(Rahim) is a recipe for the created, and in what: (Rahman) of the general presented in our words on the {Rahim} with the approval of the download, said Mahdavi. He said: The meaning of: {Rahim} any mercy you reached to God, (Peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and you came to him, that is, by following him and what came to him, you came to my reward and dignity and look at my face, and Allaah knows best.


Narrated by Ali bin Abi Talib, God honored his face that he said in saying: (In the name of God) He is a cure of all disease, and help on every medicine. As for the {Rahman}, it is a help for everyone who believes in it. As for the {merciful}, it is for those who repent and believe and do good deeds. (Interpretation of the meaning): "In the name of God the Most Gracious the Most Merciful." He said: "The disbelief of Allah, His Spirit, His grace and His bounty; Others, but the Beneficent, the compassion on the land and the evildoer is created, but the merciful is the companion to the believers in particular.


And differed in the link {merciful} B {Praise be to God}, Furwa on Umm Salamah from the Prophet peace be upon him: (Rahim. Praise be to Allaah. The Mimites live and stand on them, and they start with a thousand pieces. And read by some of the Kufis. And read the public of people: (Rahim Praise), Express {Rahim} reduction and connect a thousand of (praise).

Alkasai and some of the Arabs said that they read (Rahim Praise) open Mim link thousand, as if I lived Maim and cut the thousand and then threw the movement on the Mim and deleted. Ibn 'Attiyah said: This hadith was not narrated from anyone, as I learned. This view Yahya bin Ziad in the verse: (God is).

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