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In preparation for the African Championship .. Egypt writes a new page in the culture of the round witch


The countdown to the start of the most important African football championship began, while Prime Minister Dr. Mostafa Medbouli inspected the final stages of Cairo Stadium in preparation for this major event, which is writing a new page in the culture of the round witch in its various dimensions and aspects.

On Friday, Dr. Mostafa Medbouli inspected a number of officials on the development of the Cairo International Stadium in preparation for the 32nd African Cup of Nations starting from the Egyptian Green rectangle in the 21st of June. In the most important African football championship.

Whether the Cairo International Stadium was established in 1958 and opened in 1960 and accommodates about 75,000 fans or other venues where the big tournament is held, work is underway to equip stadiums to the fullest extent to receive the masses and all the African brothers and guests from everywhere. The world and what suits Egypt.

The stadiums are becoming increasingly important as the championships are held at the Wanda Mediterraneo stadium in the Spanish capital, Madrid, whose name is strongly used in the press and all the media as the stadium that hosts Saturday the final of the Champions League between the Liverpool and Tottenham Hotspur.

It is natural that, as the media are now talking about the fans of Liverpool and Tottenham, who roam the streets of Madrid, echoing the songs and chants of their stars as they wait for the entrance of Wanda Metropolitano, while the fans wear their club shirts, especially Liverpool fans or "team" Ridz ", which was known to the masses strongly affiliation and enthusiasm.

While commenting both inside and outside Egypt that sport is part of the culture of societies, the upcoming African Championship, which for the first time participates 24 African teams is a valuable opportunity for intimate interaction in the stadiums as well as in other fields, including the arena of cultural interaction to strengthen the bonds between the people of one continent .

Hence, some commentators and writers in newspapers and media, such as Dr. Wahid Abdel Meguid, put forward proposals aimed at activating the cultural dimension of this great sporting event by organizing symposia, theater and film performances, poetry evenings and art exhibitions for creators from African countries participating in the 32nd African Cup of Nations, By the number of competing teams from 16 teams.

In addition to the Cairo International Stadium, the 32nd African Cup of Nations games, which will conclude on July 19, will be played on other Egyptian stadiums including the 30 June Stadium, the Peace Stadium, the Alexandria Stadium, the Suez Stadium and the Ismailia Stadium.

In his address to this great African football tournament hosted by Egypt for the fifth time, the great sports critic Hassan Al-Mustaqawi stressed that it is important that "our guests feel happy and cheerful and are the responsibility of all Egyptians." He pointed out the importance of Egypt's organization for "sporting, artistic, .

"Egypt will open its arms to the youth, the masses and the stars of the continent. Sports is an amazing soft force, and there is no such thing as an impact. All the Egyptian hands will be wrapped around one goal: to make the tournament a success," he said.

The fans of the round ball can be described as "super fans" or "super fans", as is the interesting title of a new book, "Super Fans," meaning "great or wonderful fans, superlatives, extraordinary or unusual" because the meaning or synonyms of the word "super" "Too many, although all agree in the meaning and the meaning of superlative greatness and power, all of which correspond to the characteristics of the great Egyptian masses.

George Dorman, the author of this new book, and the leading journalist of the most prestigious journalism awards, the American Pulitzer Prize, paid attention to a difficult equation when he spoke in the main title of the book about super fans in the world of sport as a positive phenomenon while choosing a sub-headline with a shadow of concern: The heart of sports fans who are overwhelmed by worries. "

The title of the book as a journey into the depths of the world of fans, he finds the differences between super fans and fanatics of ideas is not normal and hide behind the masks fans enthusiastic as this category sometimes penetrated the practice of stadiums are far from sports values ​​and human level.

As this new book explains, "the super fan" can not wreak havoc in the stadiums under the pretext of his enthusiasm in encouraging his team and does not belong to this category, which is dominated by concerns far from the values ​​of sports and high goals even attracted the attention of experts in sports psychology in the West, as the author and sports writer George Dorman, adding that "the super cheerleader expresses the best ways of encouraging the stadium on the identity of his team."

This is what the Egyptian masses do to the great and the corner of Egypt and its identity, which all believe in the description of "super fans" as expressed the finest meanings of belonging and the embodiment of identity at a time when new proposals and books that deal with all dimensions and aspects of the culture of charming round.

And the major sports tournaments such as the African Cup of Nations always attracted the attention of intellectuals and academics such as Dr. Sami Abdel Aziz professor at the Faculty of Media at Cairo University, who had seen in the context of the tournament "World Cup" hosted by Egypt in 2009 that such events is no longer just the opening ceremony and the establishment of several Matches but has become a heavy industry.

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