How does TB affect lung, brain and heart?
Unprocessed tuberculosis causes long-term damage to multiple parts of the body, including bones, brain, liver, kidneys, and heart.
These areas are affected in addition to the complications of the lungs. When TB spreads to other parts of the body, it exposes these areas to further infection and undermines their ability to function, but according to the NHS, it is curable.

The impact of tuberculosis on the body
Effect of tuberculosis on organs
Once tuberculosis reaches the bone, it can destroy the joints in the long term, and the presence of TB in the bones can also damage the ribs.
Also when tuberculosis affects the human heart, the organ's ability to help circulation is at great risk. If TB breaks the brain, meningitis can cause this condition, which can lead to death due to swelling of membranes around the brain and spine.

Pulmonary tuberculosis only affects the lungs, and can usually be treated with antibiotics. This method requires a 6-month long course of treatment. The drug should be taken every day until the prescribed dose is completed. This type of treatment works on other TB-infected individuals, May require a cycle of antibiotics for 12 months, and confirms the site NHS TB can lead to death if the lungs become so badly damaged that they do not work properly.
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