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He died my mother .. German poet Johan left on May 7 and June 6?


The most famous poets in the history of German literature, the poet Johann Christian Friedrich Holderlin, we noted that the Wikipedia Wikipedia mentioned two dates for his first departure on this day June 6, 1843, and the second May 7, 1843.

When searching for the name of the great German poet Johan, you find that he is a blogger in the May 7 deaths on the Wikipedia, but also notes that he is a blogger in the June 6 deaths to get you in a state of confusion.

The poet Johann Christian Friedrich Holderlin, one of the most famous poets in the history of German literature, who fled to the world of literature from the vicinity of the teachings of theology at the will of his religious mother, was born on March 20, 1770, the late poet received his religious teachings in various religious and Latin schools, In 1788 at the Institute in the city of Toppingen, to achieve the desire of his religious mother to study theology, and was naturally escaping the study of religion to read literature, where he felt that religious study governed by strict and rigid habits.

After graduating from the Institute, he was supposed to work as a religious preacher, but he wanted to reap the rewards of his work as a private teacher. He had already practiced teaching at the home of the banker Jacob Guntard in Frankfurt and began teaching his children. Exposing his relationship with her he left the house, and then body through his novel "Hyperion" in the character of Dietema.

In 1797 and 1799, the first part of Hépérion's novel appeared, and the death of Empedocles was performed. The French Revolution left a deep impression on both literary and philosophical writings.

His mother loved his mother when he heard of her death. He was injured by a nervous breakdown and was taken to a hospital in Tobingen.

The poet Holderlin, a resident of the home of a carpenter, promised his safety and assigned him a place on the Nykar River, which he called the Holderlin Citadel until his departure on this day in 1843.

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