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Fixing the carpet and cleaning the carpet .. Great uses of vinegar is not recognized

Women and miscellaneous

There is a variety of food flavors that are considered to be basic kitchen ingredients. There is no kitchen that is free of them, especially vinegar, where it gives the food a wonderful taste, but its magnificence is not limited to food only, it can be used in many other things, In the following lines we will mention its uses, citing the Bright Side website as follows:

Smoothes hair

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Vinegar helps to soften the hair, by adding a tablespoon of white vinegar to two cups of water, then sprinkle on the hair, and leave for a while and then rinse well with lukewarm water.

Fix the saws

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To get a permanent mask for as long as possible, you can soak your nails in a glass of white vinegar, leave it a little, and then put the mask layer.

Treats pimples

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Apple cider vinegar helps to treat pimples and delay signs of premature aging, by diluting it with water and distributing it to the skin with a cotton reel.

Carpet cleaning

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Vinegar can be used to clean floors and carpets, and all you have to do is mix 2 liters of warm water, put a little of it on the carpet, wait until it dries and then brush with it.

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