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Emotional disorder .. Psychological disease combines obsession and depression know it

Health and Medical

Emotional disorder or "bipolar" is a mental illness characterized by severe mood swings. Symptoms can include a very high mood called mania and can also include episodes of depression, which makes the disease known as bipolar disorder, according to the healthline website.

People with bipolar disorder have a problem managing day-to-day tasks at school, working or maintaining relationships. There is no cure for it, but there are many treatment options available that can help manage symptoms.

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Facts about bipolar disorder

Depression caused by bipolar disorder lasts at least two weeks. The high-risk episode can last for days or weeks. Some people will experience episodes of mood swings several times a year, while others may rarely.

Bipolar symptoms

There are three main symptoms that can occur with bipolar disorder, obsession, ED and depression.

During the experience of mania, a person with bipolar disorder may experience emotional elevation and may feel excited, excited, cheerful and full of energy during manic episodes.

During the stage of depression may show symptoms including:

deep sad


Loss of energy

Lack of interest in activities

Very little or too little sleep periods

Suicidal thoughts

Although it is not a rare condition, bipolar disorder may be difficult to diagnose because of its various symptoms.

(tt) depression (t) bipolar disorder (t) mental illness

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