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"Bugaboo every year" .. 7 Tweets will tell you that high school is not the end of the world

Women and miscellaneous

With the start of the first high school exams tomorrow, some students are in a state of fear and fear of not reconciling in the high school, where they see the end and the consequent future career in the coming period.

Many of the Twitter users chanted through Hashtag High School, where they saw it was not the end of the world. "We advise high school students," said Ayman. "I swear to Allah, high school, what is the end of the world? I entered a college of people who say the summit of countries or not .. College does not value you .. Your value in your personality and your mentality .. What was in your education .. God bless you, Lord.

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Tweets about High School

In the same context, Mohammed Samir said: "The high school graduate needs to understand that De is the first opportunity in life to keep something in the race that we are living in Egypt and we have trained on it, but it is not the last chance! Then, but my survival is difficult to exploit .. Lord pay your line! ".

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They used the opportunity

"The general secondary stage is the first step toward responsibility, but at the same time it is not the end of the world," he said. "I know that secondary school is not the end of the world, and it is the beginning and it is the simplest stage in the next, and it is not a measure of intelligence, We all know him and read every year and keep him, but in need, high school is the first real responsibility a person faces in his life. "

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Mustafa asks high school students not to judge the person through his or her dissertation in the high school exams, saying: "I would like to say to the students of high school and the great God, just a stage that is not the end of the world, and is controlled by yourself through which haraam people are called to commit suicide because they failed In secondary".

Nadia stresses that it is not the end of a person's life and that it determines his future. "As the high school exam approaches, she likes to say: 'Remember, do all the work for you, and worry if the result is not the end of the world, it is important that you do what you can. A lot of intervention colleges with a large sum and after that they changed their career because they are connected. "

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And congratulations Mabrouk saying: "Secondary and God, group does not determine your future, whatever the outcome, our Lord, God willing, will write you a sweet future .. We were so Vkrin and entered the university and knew not separated and everyone can be successful in his field, and graduated from our companions knew that the University is not separated Everyone is successful in the need for the one he likes. "

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