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"Agricultural Crops": $ 1.6 billion in exports over 8 months

Economy and stock exchange

The total of agricultural exports during the period from September 2018 to the end of May amounted to about 3.3 million tons worth about 1.6 billion dollars, said MP Abdulhamid Dumdash, a member of the House of Representatives, chairman of the Export Council for Agricultural Crops.

He added to the "seventh day" that the Council seeks to increase exports and diversify markets in spite of the great difficulties facing Egyptian agricultural exports due to fierce competition from neighboring countries.

He pointed out that the target markets will be in East Asian countries, as well as in South American countries, which is one of the least countries importing Egyptian products. Therefore, promotional missions should be carried out in these countries in order to increase exports in the coming years. To $ 55 billion within 3 to 5 years.


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