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A nearby solar phenomenon is causing problems on the planet

science and technology

With the sun moving during an 11-year cycle of active and quiet periods, known as the "maximum solar" and "minimum solar".

As solar energy approaches, certain types of activity will decline, such as sunspots and solar flares, but longer-term events are also expected to increase, according to the Daily Mail report.

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Scientists have pointed out that the minimum solar energy leads to many problems on the planet, including the establishment of solar wind-movement when the magnetic field opens the star in space, and this happens regularly because the magnetic field of the sun becomes less active, and the particles charged the way to the solar system across These gaps and hits the atmosphere of the planet and this can lead to a number of complications, including magnetic storms that can lead to fluctuations in the energy grid and influence the operations of satellites and can affect migratory birds.

The increase in solar wind can change the chemistry of the upper atmosphere of the Earth, which may lead to more lightning and help in the formation of clouds, as well as impact on air travel, as more radiation capable of penetrating the aircraft means that travelers on flights May receive doses of radiation similar to x-rays of the teeth during a single trip and expose passengers to additional risk.

The effects of a minimal amount of solar energy may also include the cooling of the Earth's upper atmosphere and a slight contraction due to the low heat reaching the planet, which allows unwanted space to accumulate in low Earth orbit.

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